Use these settings to define how the modifier calculates the proximity to particles. Add events to the list with the Add By List button, and remove events by highlighting them and then clicking Remove. When All Particle Flow Events is off, the list shows the events whose particles affect the object appearance. When off, use the Particle Flow Events controls (see following) to specify which events' particles should affect the object appearance. When on, all events in the listed Particle Flow systems (see preceding) participate in the modifier. To remove a system, highlight it in the list and click Remove. Use the Add button to add systems by selecting the PF Source icons in the viewport, or the By List button to add PF Source objects from a list. Shows the Particle Flow systems whose particles will affect the object appearance. When on, the object is completely hidden after the frame specified by the Time Off numeric setting. When on, lets you set the absolute frame after which the particles no longer affect the object appearance. The absolute frame at which the particles start affecting the object appearance. When on, the object is completely hidden before the frame specified by Time On. The settings in this group let you set a frame range within which the particles affect the object appearance, and hide the geometry before and/or after the specified frame range.