Bounce up onto the blocks and go left, go up the steps and push the block at the top off, this will open up a Fire Gate.įor some reason it's gone dark here, kill the Chompies and the Chompy Pods spawning them, walk along the corridor until you get introduced to the Stump Demon. The block north of your position should be pushed up once to reveal a bounce pad. Go through the gap and then push the next block left three times. Push the first one down once and then the one to the left left twice. The open gate you just went through is now a locked gate and you can now push the blocks to the south. Go down the steps past a dead tree and through an open gate to a Shifting Platform, go into the Real World. On the other side of the gate is a load of Clipperz and a few Haunted Knights, you'll need to kill them all the open the Monster Gate on the far side.

Left x 3, Right x 4, Left, Right x 2 The Dark Labyrinth It acts just like the green one and will fall as you'd expect when you rotate the puzzle but it doesn't unlock things and if the green imp crosses paths with it you have to start over. Instead of just the green Lockmaster Imp you have to contend with a red fiery imp too. There's a Haunted Knight there as well as a new variety of lock puzzle. Go back along the path you just came from and go through that large door you ignored. Shake open that Treasure Chest and then switch back into the Ghost World. At the end of the path you'll find a translucent chest, a sign that you need to be in the Real World, luckily there's a Shifting Platform right next to you. Switch into the Ghost World and kill the Haunted Knights (unless you smashed the armor in the real world of course) Go left and up the steps, cross over the stone blocks and go north towards a large open gate, ignore the gate though and continue going left, you should walk over the block you pushed into position earlier now. Once you've got that head back up to the row of blocks again. If you go past the Shifting Platform and follow the path down to the right you'll find the Story Scroll. The blocks that were blocking your way to the right are now hanging in the air, run quickly underneath them or they'll squish you. The only difference really is that in the Real World it's a harmless suit of armor, you can either get experience and kill him here in the Ghost World or switch to the Real World with the Shifting Platform next to him, you'll need to go to the Real World now either way. The new enemy you're introduced to now is the Haunted Knight, it's just like the Shadow Knight, same attack and everything. Once you've got that go back and push the block two spaces north into the gap. Don't move the block just yet, instead smash the bones on the floor next to it and walk down the path where the block should go, you'll find Ghost Roaster's "Lingering Curse" Soul Gem. Carry on along to the right where you can drop down next to a moveable block.

Continue forwards, past a couple of coins floating in the air on the left, to a bend in the path where you meet Occulous. In the Ghost World the big door is wide open, go through it and kill a few more Clipperz that approach. Note that you only get experience from killing an enemy if they're alive at the time, so destroying the flowers in the Real World will net you nothing while killing the Clipperz in the Ghost World gets you some experience. If you didn't destroy the red flowers while in the Real World you'll see your first Clipperz, these look a lot like Rhu-Babies but they don't turn into Rhu-Barb equivalents at any point, an easy kill. You start off in the real world but there's nothing you can do really so go straight over to the Spectral Shifting Platform and switch to the Ghost World.

This will be used extensively throughout the level to solve all of the obstacle puzzles. The game will introduce you to the level's unique mechanic, switching between the Real World and the Ghost World. The entrance is found to the north in the circular ruins at the top there. To unlock Darklight Crypt all you have to do is place your Crypt on the Portal of Power. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure Console Version Walkthrough Darklight Crypt